Animal Success Stories


Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Willis is a miracle dog who will always have a special place in my heart.  Four years ago I rescued Willis who was in a deplorable state of neglect.  (Click on this picture to see what he looked like before!) Shortly after he came down with Distemper, a deadly viral disease for which there is no cure and one which I had lost several dogs to in the past.  Willis had the most amazing personality of any dog I ever met and I vowed not to lose him to this insidious disease.  Through intensive research I found a vet that was doing experimental treatment of Distemper using Interferon injections.  I immediately contacted him and got Willis in the next day.  It was touch and go for weeks and the disease ravaged his emaciated body.  I nursed him day and night and held his little head telling him he had a long wonderful life ahead of him.  Miraculously Willis recovered and became my first dog that ever survived Distemper with no residual neurological damage.  Willis was adopted by an amazing family and is this little girl's best friend.  He taught me strength and courage....and to never give up.