Animal Success Stories
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Smokey Smokey is an adorable 6 month old pup who went from a high kill shelter in LA to a loving home in Seattle where he'll have a giant yard to play in and lots of doggie neighbors.
Sparky Sparky is a lucky senior who was saved from a high kill shelter after his family discarded him like a pair of old shoes. This loving, sweet, spunky guy was adopted with another senior we sent to Ginger's Pet Rescue last month, Bing. These two are now best buds in a forever home that appreciates the special qualities seniors possess that enrich the pet ownership experience.
Sam Sam had an angel on his back when he was rescued by a Good Samaritan as he was running up a freeway ramp! Of course no collar or chip. She took him to the shelter but noticed he had blood in his urine and a large lump on his side. I contacted the shelter and was able to get him out before his mandatory hold time was up. We got his urinary tract infection cleared up, the lump was a benign fatty tumor and once he was healed, away he went to Seattle. Sam is now dearly loved and well cared for by a wonderful family and is this happy girl's best friend.
Suzie Suzie is so happy she finally got a responsible forever home. Her previous owner lost her multiple times and poor Suzie would sit in a cage at the shelter hoping she came for her. The last time she did not and Suzie narrowly escaped being euthanized.
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